Articles on: Connecting Social Accounts

Managing Threads accounts

What Threads accounts are supported in Publer?

All Threads accounts, public or private, are supported in Publer.

What posts can we share on Threads through Publer?

The supported post types are:

Status updates
Single and multi-photo posts (up to 10)

Single video posts

Read about all the post limitations for Threads here

What are the main Threads features in Publer?

You can schedule threads with up to 25 posts in one thread and never think about limiting your content again.

You can create up to 25 posts per thread, each with a maximum of 500 characters.

You can even preview the threads, which makes it easier for you to see what the post will look like in real time. You can choose the Mobile or Desktop preview.

You can view analytics for your Threads accounts. Learn more about each metric that we gather here.

Adding follow-up comments to your posts and even managing your comments of published posts from within Publer.


Can I view competitor analysis for Threads accounts through Publer?

No, competitor analytics aren't available for Threads due to API limitations on their end.

Can I add a location for my Threads account through Publer?

No, you can't add a Location due to API limitations from Threads.

Are GIFs supported?

No, GIFs are not supported, due to API limitations.

Can I add alt text to my photo posts?

Yes, you can.

Related articles:

How to connect the Threads app to Publer
How to schedule posts/threads to the Threads app

Written by: Brikena Cani

Updated on: 04/09/2024

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