Articles on: Schedule & Manage Posts

What post types are supported and what are their limitations?

Supported posts:


Supported post types: Status updates, links, single & multi-photo posts (no limit on the photos per post), albums, stories, videos, Reels, carousels, and GIFs.


Photos can be of any format and size. GIFs need to be less than 4 MB.

Link carousels can have up to 10 slides.

Stories can be a single photo or a single video file up to 60 seconds. They are posted directly, and they are only supported for Facebook Pages.

Videos can be of any format, but need to be less than 20 minutes long and less than 1 GB.

Reels can only be between 3 seconds and 90 seconds long, and have a size no bigger than 1GB.

Note: Stories are posted directly, but they are only supported for Facebook Pages, not Facebook Groups.

Tip: You can also post Reels and Stories via push notifications, to add options/features to your posts that are only available in Facebook.


Supported post types: Single and multi-photo/carousel posts (up to 10 photos), single video posts, Stories, and Reels.


Photos, regardless of the post type, can be of any format, but need to have a minimum resolution of 320x320 pixels, and be less that 8 MB. They will be automatically cropped if they're not within the 1.91:1 and 4:5 ratios.

Videos, except reels, can only be between 3 and 60 seconds long, and have a size no bigger than 100MB.

Carousels can be up to 10 photos. At the moment, videos cannot be included in a carousel post.

Stories can be posted automatically if your account is a Business account or with the help of a semi-automated notification/reminder system. For stories that are published automatically, you can upload one photo or one video. For stories that are sent via push notifications/reminders, you can upload up to 10 photos or one video.

Keep in mind that due to API limitations from Instagram, only Business accounts support direct Instagram Stories, not Creator accounts. Learn more here.

Reels can only be between 3 seconds and 15 minutes long, and have a size no bigger than 1GB. Required aspect ratio is between 0.01:1 and 10:1 but we recommend 9:16 to avoid cropping or blank spaces.

Warning: Only reels with durations between 5 and 90 seconds and aspect ratios of 9:16 will appear in the Reels tab on Instagram, otherwise they will be posted on the Feed.

Tip: You can also post Reels and Stories via push notifications, to add options/features to your posts that are only available in Instagram.


Supported post types: Status updates, links, single and multi-photo posts (up to 4 photos), videos and GIFs.


Photos can be of any format, but need to be less than 5 MB and have a minimum resolution of 4x4 pixels.

GIFs need to be less than 15 MB and have a resolution between 4x4 pixels and 2048x2048 pixels.

Videos can be of any format, but need to be less than 140 seconds and less than 512 MB.

Long Twitter posts that are up to 25,000 characters long, via push notifications.

Note: Long posts can only be posted with the help of push notifications, using the Publer mobile app. Learn more about that here.


Supported post types: Status updates, links, single and multi-photo posts (up to 20 photos), videos, GIFs, and PDF Carousels.


Photos can be of any format, including GIFs, and there's no limit on the size.

Videos can be between 3 seconds and 10 minutes long and up to 1 GB. They will be posted natively on both LinkedIn Personal Profiles and Company Pages.

PDF Carousels can contain up to 100 photos per carousel post. They cannot be mixed with GIFs or Videos as it's not supported by LinkedIn's API. You can upload photos or documents (PPT, PDF, DOC) to Publer and then share them as a PDF carousel.

Note: Polls and Articles are not supported yet, but we aim to do so in Q4.

Google My Business

Supported post types: Updates, events, and offers with a single-photo.


Photos need to have a size between 10 KB and 5 MB and a minimum resolution of 250x250 pixels.


Supported post types: Single-photo posts, carousels with up to 5 photos, and single-video posts.


Photos have no limitations.

Carousels will be automatically cropped based on the first photo's aspect ratio.

Videos need to be between 4 seconds and 15 minutes long.


Supported post types: Videos and Shorts.


Videos can be up to 12 hours long and 1 GB.

Shorts need to be shot vertically and be up to 60 seconds long.

Tip: You can also post Shorts via push notifications, to add options/features to your shorts that are only available in YouTube.


Supported post types: TikTok(s) videos.


Videos can be between 3 seconds 10 minutes long, and no bigger than 1 GB.
Videos need to have a resolution within 360x360 pixels and 4096x4096 pixels

Note: Some TikTok accounts may have lower limits, however, we will automatically sync this info before allowing a user to schedule a video they cannot post.


Supported post types: WordPress articles.

Limitations: None.

Tip: Go here to learn about what post types you can sync within Publer.


Supported post types: Status updates, links, single and multi-photo posts (up to 10 photos), videos and GIFs.


Photos can be of any format, but need to less than 10 MB.

GIFs need to be less than 50 MB.

Videos can be of any format, but need to be less than 50 MB.


Supported post types: Status updates, links, single and multi-photo posts (up to 4 photos), videos and GIFs.


Photos can be JPEG, PNG, or WEBP, but need to be less than 8 MB.

GIFs need to be less than 8 MB and have a resolution up to 1280x720 pixels.

Videos can be of any format, but need to be less than 40 MB.


Supported post types: Status updates, links, single and multi-photo posts (up to 10 photos), and videos.


Photos must be under 8 MB.

Videos can be up to 5 minutes (300 seconds) long and 1 GB in size.

You can create up to 25 posts per thread, each with a maximum of 500 characters.

Note: GIFs are not supported at the moment.

Updated on: 25/07/2024

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