Managing YouTube accounts in Publer
What YouTube accounts are supported in Publer?
You can connect YouTube channels into Publer. Learn how to connect a YouTube channel here.
In order for you to connect a YouTube channel you need to be the Owner of that YouTube channel.
What posts can we share on YouTube through Publer?
The supported post types are:
Videos (can be up to 12 hours long and 1 GB).
Shorts (need to be shot vertically and be up to 60 seconds long).
For shorts, only what you add in the Title area will show in YouTube as shorts do not support content but just title.
Read about all the post limitations for YouTube here.
What are the main YouTube features in Publer?
You can select the privacy level of your video. You can create public, private or unlisted YouTube videos.
You can select to hide the video after a certain time. Clicking on AutoDelete Icon will also give you the option to hide for YouTube Videos.
You can add a Watermark for your YouTube videos.
You can add a signature to your post but be wary of the character limits.
You can add follow-up comments, as well use the AutoShare and AutoDelete options.
Why can't I add the YouTube channel that I manage?
You need to be Owner of the YouTube channel in order to connect it with Publer. You can read more here.
Can I add advanced features, like video tags or end screen cards, to YouTube videos?
Unfortunately, the YouTube API does not support these options currently. However, we are tracking them here. As soon as their API supports it, we will be able to add these features too.
Can I upload a custom thumbnail for YouTube videos?
Yes, you can. First you need to verify your YouTube channel and then you can add a custom thumbnail to your videos.
Related articles:
How to connect to YouTube
How to create public, private, or unlisted YouTube videos/shorts
Updated on: 20/09/2023
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