Why is my CSV file not uploading?
Scheduling posts with the help of a CSV file can support up to 500 posts at once. However, sometimes the CSV file can be a lot for certain servers or surpass certain rate limits for online clouds such as Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, or even be taking some more time to load and be uploaded. Let's take a look at both those cases below.
If your CSV file is taking some time to be uploaded and you are not getting a notification right away, then it is because the CSV file is still being processed.
The CSV file size, and most importantly the content of the CSV. Publer will process each row of the CSV file. If the content is links or media URLs, it may take more minutes than usual.
The total number of CSV files that are being processed by Publer. In the rare case that tons of CSV files are being uploaded at the same time, the CSV file may take longer to upload than usual.
Thus, in order to prevent server crashes, some CSV files may have to wait in queue before they get uploaded. In such cases, simply keep an eye on the notification bell on Publer so you know when the CSV is uploaded.
Google does not like it when other services try to scrape and get data from their sites, in this case Google Drive.
They rate limit IPs so if you, or many users, try to upload media from Google Drive URLs at the same time, eventually Google will start throwing an error asking the IP (us) to "try it again later." Even though we use proxies, it's still impossible to bypass Google bots.
The safest solution is to use the official built-in Google Drive/Dropbox/OneDrive picker (but it can't be used together with the CSV functionality), rely on a different online storage platform, or use the Media Library on Publer which is guaranteed to work.
You can take a look here to see how to use the Media Library + CSV functionality:
Sometimes, certain servers cannot handle a lot of requests at one time -- say 500.
If that is the case, the only thing you could do is either upgrade your server, or you can use smaller CSV files.
Breaking them down to smaller CSV files, for example, turning a 500 row/post CSV file into 5 CSV files of 100 rows/posts.
This happens when the options to download, print, and copy for commenters and viewers are disabled for files.
Make sure the owner has given permission for the files to be downloaded by others.
To achieve that:
Find the file or folder in Google Drive.
Select one or more files you want to limit and click Share.
At the top, click the Settings icon.
Enable and tick the box for 'viewers and commenters can see the option to download, print, and copy' option.
You may take a look at this guide from Google Help Center for more information.
CSV file is taking a long time to get uploaded.
If your CSV file is taking some time to be uploaded and you are not getting a notification right away, then it is because the CSV file is still being processed.
The CSV upload time depends on:
The CSV file size, and most importantly the content of the CSV. Publer will process each row of the CSV file. If the content is links or media URLs, it may take more minutes than usual.
The total number of CSV files that are being processed by Publer. In the rare case that tons of CSV files are being uploaded at the same time, the CSV file may take longer to upload than usual.
Thus, in order to prevent server crashes, some CSV files may have to wait in queue before they get uploaded. In such cases, simply keep an eye on the notification bell on Publer so you know when the CSV is uploaded.
CSV does not upload properly due to Rate Limits from Drive/Dropbox:
Google does not like it when other services try to scrape and get data from their sites, in this case Google Drive.
They rate limit IPs so if you, or many users, try to upload media from Google Drive URLs at the same time, eventually Google will start throwing an error asking the IP (us) to "try it again later." Even though we use proxies, it's still impossible to bypass Google bots.
The safest solution is to use the official built-in Google Drive/Dropbox/OneDrive picker (but it can't be used together with the CSV functionality), rely on a different online storage platform, or use the Media Library on Publer which is guaranteed to work.
You can take a look here to see how to use the Media Library + CSV functionality:
CSV does not upload properly due to your Server:
Sometimes, certain servers cannot handle a lot of requests at one time -- say 500.
If that is the case, the only thing you could do is either upgrade your server, or you can use smaller CSV files.
Breaking them down to smaller CSV files, for example, turning a 500 row/post CSV file into 5 CSV files of 100 rows/posts.
CSV does not upload properly due to the limit on how your files are shared:
This happens when the options to download, print, and copy for commenters and viewers are disabled for files.
Make sure the owner has given permission for the files to be downloaded by others.
To achieve that:
Find the file or folder in Google Drive.
Select one or more files you want to limit and click Share.
At the top, click the Settings icon.
Enable and tick the box for 'viewers and commenters can see the option to download, print, and copy' option.
You may take a look at this guide from Google Help Center for more information.
Updated on: 07/06/2024
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