Articles on: Mobile App

(Mobile App) How to view Hashtag analytics

Discover how your hashtags are performing with Publer mobile app! Our Hashtag Analysis offers detailed insights into the performance of your used hashtags, allowing you to understand their reach, engagement, and overall impact.

To view Hashtag Analytics:

Go to Analytics.
Navigate to the Hashtags tab to see a detailed view of the hashtag performance.

You have the option to choose your preferred time range. By default, the selected time range is the Last 7 days, however there's also an option for you to pick a custom range.

Keep in mind, if you're viewing analytics for the current day while looking at data from the Last X Days, the most recent data from today is not included in that Last X Days timeframe.

You can also sort your viewing preferences by Date, Likes, Reach, Posts, Comments, Shares, Video Views, Engagement and Hashtag Score, by clicking on the sorting icon.

Choose one of the options from below:

Lastly, the Analytics are automatically refreshed every 24 hours. If you don't see a desired hashtag reflected on your table, you have the option to manually refresh the analytics anytime by clicking Sync Insights.

Learn more about Publer Analytics on the web here.

Written by: Brikena Cani

Updated on: 07/10/2024

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