Articles on: Mobile App

(Mobile App) How to export a dedicated view of the Hashtag Analysis to PDF or Excel/CSV

In addition to being able to export the Analytics Overview and Post Insights to a PDF/CSV file, you now have the option to export a dedicated view of the Hashtag Analysis tab.

To download a report for an overview of the analytics go here and for the post insights go here.

To download the PDF/CSV Reports:

Open the Publer mobile app and go to Analytics.
Select the social account for which you want to download analytics.
Choose the Hashtags tab.

There, click on the download icon on the top right corner, to export a dedicated view of the post analytics to PDF or Excel/CSV.

Keep in mind the PDF reports can only contain up to 100 posts per report, so only the first 100 posts will be displayed. However, there is no post limit when exporting your insights to a CSV file.

To export the report as a PDF file, select PDF. To export the report as a CSV file, choose Excel.

You will receive a notification on the Notification bell once the PDF/CSV Report is ready.

Click on the Notification bell and open the PDF/CSV Report.

You will be redirected to a new tab where you can download, view the report, print it, or share it with other people.

You can now share your hashtag analytics with anyone who you would like or store them for future use. Learn how to sync insights here.
To download a report for an overview of the analytics go here and for the post insights go here.

Written by: Brikena Cani

Updated on: 04/10/2024

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