(Mobile App) How to deactivate/disable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
To deactivate the Two-Factor Authentication for your account:
Firstly, navigate to account menu and click the Account option at the top:
Click on Two-Factor Authentication:
Click on Disable two-factor-authentication:
Lastly, put in a security code and confirm the dialog box.
Learn how to setup the two-factor authentication here.
Keep in mind:
The Owner of a workspace can make 2FA required for all members (Admins, Editors, and Clients).
On the other hand, an Admin can make 2FA required only for Editors and Clients.
When the Owner/Admin makes 2FA required, you will have to activate it before you can continue using Publer.
When 2FA is required in one of your workspaces, you cannot disable it.
Updated on: 03/10/2023
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