How to cancel my subscription
If you want to put a stop or pause to the auto-deduction or automatic renewal of your Publer subscription, you need to cancel or pause the subscription in the Settings > Billing tab.
WARNING: If you downgrade from a paid plan to the FREE plan, all your scheduled posts will be lost.
Click on your Profile dropdown and select Settings.
Then, go to Billing.
You can cancel there anytime by clicking on Cancel Subscription.
Moreover, you can also Pause your subscription so that you keep all your posts, insights, accounts, etc, and come back whenever you want.
You will continue to use the paid version until the end of the subscription / trial date, unless you request a refund.
When you cancel your subscription you will have 24 hours to resubscribe, so that you won't lose any data on the account. When you resubscribe you will be charged for the full amount, however we will make sure to refund you for the overlap.
After clicking on Cancel Subscription, the system will ask you for your password.
If you happen to log in with Google or other means and not with an email or password, simply go here to Reset your Password.
Then, you can use that password to cancel.
WARNING: If you downgrade from a paid plan to the FREE plan, all your scheduled posts will be lost.
To cancel your subscription:
Click on your Profile dropdown and select Settings.
Then, go to Billing.
You can cancel there anytime by clicking on Cancel Subscription.
Moreover, you can also Pause your subscription so that you keep all your posts, insights, accounts, etc, and come back whenever you want.
You will continue to use the paid version until the end of the subscription / trial date, unless you request a refund.
When you cancel your subscription you will have 24 hours to resubscribe, so that you won't lose any data on the account. When you resubscribe you will be charged for the full amount, however we will make sure to refund you for the overlap.
After clicking on Cancel Subscription, the system will ask you for your password.
If you happen to log in with Google or other means and not with an email or password, simply go here to Reset your Password.
Then, you can use that password to cancel.
Updated on: 18/11/2024
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