Articles on: Post Options

How to tag collaborators on Instagram posts

What is Instagram Collaborator Tagging?

Instagram collaborator feature was launched back in 2021 and it allows you to create feed posts with other Instagram users (collaborators). The same post will be published in two (or more) feeds at the same time, and all the collaborators will share the reach and engagement analytics and of course their audience/followers.

While creating a post, you can invite other Instagram public accounts to join as a collaborator to your post. If they accept the invite, the post will be visible on both your feeds. If you decide to tag more than one collaborator, the post will show to each collaborator's feed accordingly.

Through Publer, you can tag collaborators on photos, carousel posts, and reels. Moreover, you can tag accounts and products on Instagram photos, videos and multi-photo posts.

Keep in mind, you can tag up to 3 collaborators in total per post and similar to user tags, if you tag an invalid collaborator, the post will be published without the invalid tag.

To tag a collaborator on an Instagram post:

Go to the Create tab on Publer.
Upload your media accordingly.
Hover over the Instagram image/reel and click on the tag icon on the bottom right corner.

Select Tag collaborator and tap anywhere on the photo/video, to start tagging a collaborator.
After clicking on the photo, type the Instagram username in the box field on the right.

Usernames are not case-sensitive, so you can write them in capital letters or lowercase. However, you have to make sure that the Instagram collaborator's username is 100% correct. Due to Instagram API limitations, Publer can't autocomplete or spellcheck usernames for Personal accounts, only Professional ones. Please double-check the spelling of the username of the Personal accounts before saving. Private Instagram accounts can't be tagged.

You can only tag up to 3 collaborators for each post (image, or video):

You can always remove a tag by clicking on the x button on the right-side of the photo/video.

Once you have added all your tags, you can click on Save Tags and proceed with finalizing the post.
Finally, on the right hand side, you will be able to preview the post and the collaborator tags in real time.

Keep in mind:

You can tag collaborators in photos, carousel posts, or reels.
Due to Instagram API limitations, you can only tag up to 3 collaborators per post.
You can only tag collaborators who have a public account that active for 30 days and with no more than 2 policy violations.
Similar to user/account tags, if you tag an invalid collaborator, the post will be published without the invalid tag.
Usernames are not case sensitive, however, you have to make sure that the username is 100% correct.
Due to Instagram limitations, Publer can't autocomplete or spellcheck usernames for Personal accounts, only Professional ones. Please double-check the spelling of the username of the Personal accounts before saving. Private Instagram accounts can't be tagged.

Apart from collaborators, you can also tag products and accounts on your Instagram posts directly from the same dashboard.

Updated on: 03/10/2024

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