Articles on: Analytics

How to sync insights/analytics

Publer will automatically refresh all the metrics/analytics every 24 hours for all the posts of the last 7 days.

However, you can also manually pull of your socials' analytics in a real-time sync process.

Keep in mind, you cannot sync insights for self-hosted WordPress Sites due to technical limitations.

To sync insights/analytics:

Go to Analytics on Publer.
You can sync insights for a specific social account or all your accounts.
To sync for a specific account, for example a FB Page, simply select that account on the left.
Then, on the top right corner, click on Sync Insights.

Sync Insights

Select the date from when you wish to sync insights. It can be from today, a few days ago, or as far back as three years ago.

Note: When you sync insights, the posts and the insights from the specified date will be synced. The maximum sync date is 3 years back. If you want to only sync the posts, make sure to follow the steps here.

Sync Older Insights

You will see a notification on the screen, telling you that the syncing process has started.
After a little time, you will get a Notification on the bell, letting you know that the syncing process has finished.

Syncing in Progress

If you open the bell and click on the Notification notice, your page will be refreshed and you will see the synced analytics.

Insights successfully synced

Scroll down to see all of the analytics for that specific account or for the whole team/workspace.

Note: Keep in mind that sometimes the insights might be a little different on Publer than on the social networks. Learn more about that here.

Updated by: Brikena Cani

Updated on: 14/02/2024

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