How to sync info, date, name, profile picture, and albums/boards/categories, and how to edit the profile picture and name
Syncing data on Publer works for all Social Accounts you have already linked and it is very easy to do.
To Sync Info of an account:
Go to Social Accounts.
Select a social account.
Click on Sync Info.
Here’s what you can sync on Publer for Facebook/Pinterest/WordPress:
Profile photo and name of the profile/page/group/site.
New Boards/Categories that you have created natively on Pinterest/WordPress.
When synced, your Facebook/Pinterest/WordPress profile photo, name, and albums/boards/categories will be automatically added to Publer.

If you want to change the profile photo and name on your Publer profile, you can just click Change and the pencil icon next to name. You are required to name your Facebook/Pinterest/WordPress Account on Publer. The photo is optional.

You can also create new Boards using Publer’s tools in 1 easy step and those won’t have to be synced.
Insert a photo/video to your Pinterest post and click Media Options.
Finally, click Create a new Board and name it.
Keep in mind that Pinterest requires some media uploaded for the Media Option button to be available for use.

For LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google Business Profile, Telegram, Instagram, Mastodon and YouTube you will be able to sync their:
Profile/account photo.
Name of the profile/account.

You can always change the name and profile photo on your Publer profile afterwards, without affecting the accounts in any way.
Due to API limitations from TikTok, it's not possible to change the profile picture/name of the TikTok account within Publer. However, Publer will automatically sync the info (name and picture) each time you select the TikTok to post to it.
Publer will automatically sync the info each time you select to post to TikTok.
To Sync the Info of an account:
Here’s what you can sync on Publer for Facebook/Pinterest/WordPress:
For LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Business Profile, Telegram, Instagram, Threads, Mastodon and YouTube you will be able to sync their:
Written by: Brikena Cani
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Updated on: 25/12/2024
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