Articles on: Canva and VistaCreate

How to save Canva illustrations to Publer directly

You can now use Canva from within Publer through the Canva button or outside of Publer, where you get to create illustrations and save them to Publer directly.

To connect to and save your Canva designs to Publer:

Sign in to your profile on Canva and design your illustration.
Once you're finished, click on "Share" button at the top right corner.

Connecting Canva to your Publer account

Click on Share on social.

Connecting Canva to your Publer account

Search for Publer and then click on it.
Click Use.

Connecting Canva to your Publer account

*Click on Connect.

Make sure to Allow Canva to access your account.
Select the team/workspace you want to save the latest design to.
Choose the file type and click Save.

Saving the Canva design to Publer

Go to your Publer account and start using the team you saved the design to.
Go to the Media Library and you’ll find the latest Canva design there.
You can also filter all your designs by selecting Canva as a label.

Canva design on the specific team's Media Library

Remember: Canva designs can be used by everyone, regardless of the subscriptions they have. Free Plan users will have up to 20 free trials. In order to start using Canva on their Media Library, Free Plan users can start by clicking 'View in Publer', as soon as they finish and save their design to Publer.

Viewing the Canva design on Publer

You can also use Canva from within Publer. To learn more about that, go here.

Updated on: 06/04/2023

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