How to find the RSS Feed URL
There are multiple ways you could find the RSS feed URL. Blogs are hosted on different domains, therefore the RSS Feeds are found in different ways.
Go to the website you want to add.
Right-click anywhere on the site and choose View Page Source.
Using Command + F (or Ctrl + F for Windows), search for "rss".
The URL you see there is the RSS Feed URL.
Simply add a ‘/feed’ at the end of the URL.
For example: ‘’, since Publer’s Blog is hosted on WordPress.
You can find your RSS feed by adding /feed/ before the article’s title.
For example:
You can find the RSS feed by writing the whole URL and adding ‘f.rss’ at the end of it.
For example:
You can also go to this link to validate an RSS Feed.
To find the RSS Feed URL:
Go to the website you want to add.
Right-click anywhere on the site and choose View Page Source.
Using Command + F (or Ctrl + F for Windows), search for "rss".
The URL you see there is the RSS Feed URL.
Some simple ways to find the URL:
For blogs hosted on Wordpress:
Simply add a ‘/feed’ at the end of the URL.
For example: ‘’, since Publer’s Blog is hosted on WordPress.
For blogs hosted on Medium:
You can find your RSS feed by adding /feed/ before the article’s title.
For example:
For blogs hosted on GoDaddy:
You can find the RSS feed by writing the whole URL and adding ‘f.rss’ at the end of it.
For example:
You can also go to this link to validate an RSS Feed.
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Updated on: 17/05/2024
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