Articles on: Analytics

How to automate Analytics PDF Reports

Even better than Analytics reports are automated PDF reports that are sent to you every week or month, depending on your liking. You can choose the frequency of the Analytics reports in your Notifications.

Keep in mind you can only automate PDF reports, not CSV reports.

To change the frequency of the automated reports:

Click the Profile photo on the top right.
Go to Settings.
Choose the Email Notifications tab.
Scroll down to Analytics and choose the frequency.

You can get reports every week, month, or never and they can be for each social account or for the whole team/workspace (all accounts in one).

The reports will be sent to your email, so you can easily share them with your client/team. Each report will consist of mini-reports, one per social media account.

If you don't like automated reports, then you can download the reports manually whenever you need them. You can also download a dedicated view of the Posts Insights tab..

Updated by: Brikena Cani

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Updated on: 29/12/2024

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