How to add a primary phone number for my Google Business Profile
To use the Call Now Call-to-action button for your Google listing, first you need to add a primary phone number on your Google Business Profile. .
Access the Info section on the left-side main menu, on the Home tab of your Google Business Profile.
Locate the Phone field and click the pencil icon to edit it.
If you haven’t added a phone number to your Google My Business listing yet, then the icon will have Add Phone written next to it. If you already have an existing number that you’d like to change, you’ll find that number next to the phone icon.
Update your Primary Phone Number.
Lastly, click Apply.
Once you add your phone number to your business listing, you’ll see a red Pending sign appear near your phone number. Google reviews most phone edits within 2-3 business days.
Make sure you have verified your Google Business Profile.
Ensure your edit meets Google's requirements. Refer to the guidelines for your business phone number.
Contact Google Business Profile support for help by using this form.
To add a primary phone number on your Google Business Profile:
Access the Info section on the left-side main menu, on the Home tab of your Google Business Profile.
Locate the Phone field and click the pencil icon to edit it.
If you haven’t added a phone number to your Google My Business listing yet, then the icon will have Add Phone written next to it. If you already have an existing number that you’d like to change, you’ll find that number next to the phone icon.
Update your Primary Phone Number.
Lastly, click Apply.
Once you add your phone number to your business listing, you’ll see a red Pending sign appear near your phone number. Google reviews most phone edits within 2-3 business days.
If the change doesn't reflect within 2-3 business days, follow these steps:
Make sure you have verified your Google Business Profile.
Ensure your edit meets Google's requirements. Refer to the guidelines for your business phone number.
Contact Google Business Profile support for help by using this form.
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Updated on: 31/12/2024
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